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GSA Newsletter: October 30, 2020

virtual office hours
GSA Office Hours to Remain Virtual Until Further Notice
Due to COVID-19, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) office hours will remain virtual until further notice. If you wish to schedule a meeting with the GSA Director or other members of the GSA, please email david.shimokawa@letaoyizs.com.  

UNC Virtual Commencement
Fall 2020 Virtual Commencement
Thank you to the following graduate students that participated in the Virtual Commencement feedback meeting. These graduate students shared their suggestions with Director of University Events, Christina Edwards. Graduate students with additional suggestions for the Fall 2020 Virtual Commencement ceremony can email Christina.Edwards@letaoyizs.com

  • Danielle Wong, SES: Social Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Ph.D.
  • David Agboola, Applied Statistics and Research Methods, Ph.D
  • Emily Royse, Biological Education, Ph.D.
  • Nicholas Dix, Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership, Ph.D.
  • Miriam Gueck, School Psychology, Ed.S.
  • Sarah Sparks, Educational Mathematics, Ph.D.
  • Zachary McCarver, SES: Social Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Ph.D.

Survey for Graduate Students
from Laurie Claire Landrieu, Erin Yosai and Achilles Bardos

UNC Student, Fellow Bears, 
I think we can all admit that 2020 has not panned out as expected. Among the global pandemic and the ever-evolving socio-political climate, our personal lives have become unsettled. As fellow UNC community members, we care about your lives on campus. That means checking in on your mental and academic health and well-being. My colleagues and I created a survey to conduct a research project to better understand what you, our fellow students, are going through. We want to make sure that UNC has the resources, student services and support to help our wonderfully diverse students succeed over the next few years…

Make sure your voice is heard! Click on the link below to take the Survey:

Following the link, you will be asked to complete an initial survey that will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. After you complete this survey, you will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card. Because we are interested in your experiences over time, we will send out follow-up surveys that will be shorter at about 10-15 minutes. Every time you check in with us, you will be entered into a contest to receive a free tablet that will be at about a $350 value!

 In order for these check-ins to produce effective results, it is important that we’re able to follow up with you over the next year or so. However, you may stop participating at any time. 

Thank you!
Laurie Claire Landrieu

Erin Yosai, Ph.D.

Achilles Bardos, Ph.D.

dannon cox

Dissertation Prep Workshop
Tuesday-Thursday, Nov. 10-12

Join the UNC Library for this informative, multi-day dissertation workshop. Whether you're just starting out or halfway through your dissertation, this workshop contains useful information to help you break down the dissertation process into bite-sized pieces. Special guest Dannon Cox, Ph.D. (SES: Sport Pedagogy) will be giving a step-by-step presentation on how he finished his dissertation in Spring 2020. 

Intervarsity Graduate Student Bible Study
by sara.schuhardt@letaoyizs.com 

What: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Faculty/Staff/Graduate Bible Study
Time: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Zoe’s Cafe
Contact: Sara Schuhardt at (515) 491-0182 or sara.schuhardt@letaoyizs.com 

submit news
Graduate Student News Wanted
Do you have exciting news to share from your program or personal life? Been published or received an award? The GSA is looking for graduate achievements to mention in our newsletter and on our websites. Please send any info to GSA Administrative Assistant Francis.To@letaoyizs.com